The WPs within the Network

WP1 End User Forum
WP2 Database
WP3 Codes & Standards
WP4 Certification
WP5 Benchmark Tests
WP6 Thematic Groups
WP7 Dissemination of Information
WP8 Coordination
WP9 Bridge Management

These Workpackages are connected in many different ways.
To see the kind of interaction between the WPs look at the flowchart of the network organization.

WP 1 End Users Forum

WP 1 started with the identification of potential end users who were contacted and invited to join the activities of the network. They were introduced to the available knowledge in the European market and are able to use the data base. The information dissemination center was constituted to answer questions and provide comments handed in by the end users who were invited to attend the workshops where they were asked to hold a vote on the future of the network and on priorities to be set. Finally successful examples were demonstrated in this forum.


WP 2 Data Base

The huge amount of available data had to be collected, sorted and properly stored in the database installed at JRC. It mainly contains information on already finished projects or workshops. Furthermore information on the relevant literature and exemplary projects is provided. The main innovation is in the free access to dynamic data gained from the benchmark tests together with the detailed description.


WP 3 Codes & Standards

WP3 concentrated on Recommendations, Codes and Guidelines. To remove the major obstacle in the application of the already existing methods, guidelines on monitoring and assessment were drafted to form a basis for a public order of such services. Starting point was the guideline existing in Germany drafted in 1999. Negotiations with CEN had to be started for the implementation of the guidelines into a European code system.

WP 4 Certification

The main aim of WP4 was the certification of methods. Tests have shown that the applied methods differ extremely. To enable a comparable result and a calibration of tools and methods a certification had to be introduced that serves as a calibration institution. This had to be developed further on the commercial basis after the termination of the Network. Calibration methods had to be worked out to be implemented in every nation later on.


WP 5 Benchmark Tests

The main innovation is in the free access to dynamic data gained from the benchmark tests together with the detailed description. The benchmark tests were disposed by the steering committee to provide uninterrupted data over a period of 2 years. A couple of major structures had to be instrumented and monitored. The highest building in Europe (Commerzbank, Frankfurt), one of the highest steel bridges in Austria ( Europabridge), a cable-stayed bridge in France as well as other objects of interest were amongst the proposed structures . The possibility to gain these data was proven to be the most attractive feature of the network.


WP 6 Thematic Groups

WP 6 is the Scientific Knowledge Management. The 5 Thematic Groups comprise:

Monitoring and Assessment
Structural Control
Whole Life Costs and Risk Management
Micro Zonation and Soil Damping
Environmental Loads

Each thematic group was coordinated by one of the major players in Europe. They selected members able to contribute properly to the development of the subject. Furthermore there was is an unlimited number of participants who can use the developed methods and tools. This workpackage pursued the ambitious objective of establishing a node of interface between the industrial needs and the already activated research networks (CONVIB within ESF - European Science Foundation, ACS - European Association for the Control of Structures as well as the several ongoing research projects on SAMCO related topics funded by the European Union ) within the network.


WP 7 Dissemination of Information

This WP comprised the database, where information can actively be sent out to stimulate its use. Furthermore the right connection to the relevant information can be provided on request. An electronic journal, the SAMCO newsletter has been developed within this workpackage and is distributed about every second month among all former SAMCO partners, members, observers and the new SAMCO Association members . It reports on the activities of the network, on current European research projects, on companies involved in SAMCO and on past and coming events. The activities within this WP are aimed at international collaboration. This comprises a representation of the network in international conferences and coordination meetings on major activities outside Europe, in particular the large NSF projects and ongoing activities in Asia.


WP 8 Network Management

This WP dealt with coordination of the activities of all workpackages and organised stricktly all contributions to the network. Furthermore the organisation of the steering committee meetings and the end users' forum were main tasks. Annual workshops were planned to gather all members and participants for demonstration of their work and for discussion. The final SAMCO Workshop taking place in March 2006 in Switzerland presented a conclusion on the works carried out within the working periods and provided a framework for the foundation of the SAMCO Association. Regular steering committee meetings ensured that adequate project steering was provided.


WP9 Bridge Management

This workpackage was thought to interface the other WPs with the aim to finalize and organize the knowledge and the specific tools available in the SAMCO network. Filtered by the end-users' points of view the knowledge and the tools resulted in practical guidelines and criteria to serve the purposes and needs of the management of bridges. It is of utmost importance to take into account the end-users' demands as they represent the final decision makers' control of both, the financial aspects as well as the operation of the road. Moreover, to guarantee the applicability of the proposed solutions and the technical approach to bridge management activities, the point of view (in design, assessment, construction, monitoring issues etc.) of companies involved in the bridge domain at different levels, is taken into account.
