
A Focal Point of Reference
The network's main aim was to become a focal point of reference for industries, consultants and other organizations needing the transfer of knowledge and technology in the field of assessment, monitoring and control of structures of relevant civil and industrial interest, in particular the transportation infrastructure.

Support for Innovative Developments
The network was established to concentrate the knowledge and to stimulate further development in the field. It was focused on technology management and the sucessful market introduction of new and innovative developments.

Strengthen the European Research Area
The european research community had to be connected. The needs for further research and development as well as the enhancement of optimal consortia and solutions targeted on the next framework programme shall be defined.

Addressing End Users
The end users needs are of particular relevance to the network. End users shall profit from the transfer of novel technologies and know how, as well as from reference and demonstration projects.


The network was constituted

to create a centre of knowledge and reference at JRC in Ispra, Italy.
to carry out benchmark tests and distribute the raw data freely from a database established at JRC.
to work out a recommendation as a basis for a code for monitoring, assessment and control of structures.
to define necessary steps for a better handling of earthquake loads and the related structural response.
to provide information about the experimental testing capabilities and allow a big audience to see the tests, use the capacities and learn from it.
to disseminate the idea of a whole system - whole life approach in structural engineering.
to address the specific situation of the transportation sector, particular the railways, where huge investments are foreseen in Europe.
to generate an environment where reference projects can be developed and exploited.
to organise summer academies for improvement of the education situation.
to define the needs for further research and development as well as the enhancement of optimal consortia and solutions targeted on the next framework program.
to convince conservative owners by demonstration projects and material.
to create a certification agency to help to overcome duplication and costly parallel development.
to compare the European knowledge, standards, technologies and testing techniques with non-European countries.
to improve the existing bridge management in Europe.
to offer newest monitoring and assessment technologies to bridge management.
to create a feedback from bridge management to the structural engineers

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Our Philosophy

Dissemination and Exchange of Information and Data
Information is provided in a most understandable way to support the research community with the necessary raw data. For us it is understood that by giving away raw data, gained in outstanding projects and benchmark tests, for free, a better environment to carry out our work can be achieved. We therefore encourage everyone to use our material and to help in further dissemination. Any contribution is welcome and will be considered.

Recognizing R&D
End users desire trivial solutions and demand everything working perfectly. Teachers, mechanics, and doctors provide answers to open questions and trivialise our world. This cannot yet be said from researchers, which are often misunderstood. They often stand for another reality, which has nothing to do with our daily environment. Therefore Public relation work is required to close this gap between end users and researchers.

Transfer of Know How
Furthermore researchers are encountered in their golden cage, and their solutions are very often not understood because they use a wording, which does not exist in every day's language. Therfore it makes sense to invest in all means of dissemination of results in an understandable way. The end users shall be made aware of the important work done and the consequences from new development. For the field of structural assessment monitoring and control our SAMCO Network shall be a platform for these activities.